What Our Client's Say


I have been a member with TMPA for over 14 years. On 9-6-13 I was involved in an on duty shooting in Dallas, TX while investigating a murder case. Bob Gorsky was my designated attorney and within minutes of the incident, I was on the phone with Bob going over everything. Soon afterward, Bob was on scene and took control of the situation. From the minute I spoke to Bob on the phone, until the final board review held at my department several months later, Bob has been nothing but professional, capable, reassuring and extremely reliable.

Being that the shooting took place in Dallas and I work for the Garland Police Department, there were two agencies to deal with and Bob did so with the upmost professionalism, competency and confidence. Bob’s experience really shows with his work. I never had a doubting moment with his representation, nor did I ever feel like I was “just another client”. Bob always promptly returned my emails and phone calls, and was very thorough with his representation and work on my case.

TMPA has been nothing but fantastic in all the years that I have been a member. Having Bob and his law office on TMPA’s team just makes TMPA that much more head and shoulders above everyone else.

I wanted to directly express my gratitude and experience with you sir and let you know that having TMPA on my side makes me confidant that I have the best team backing me up should I ever need you all again.

Sincerely, T.O.

Dear TMPA,

On October 25, 2012, I had to shoot a suspect who tried to disarm and kill me. Without a doubt, this was the most harrowing experience I have had in over a decade as a police officer. The first breath of fresh air I had immediately after my shooting was the telephone call I made to TMPA.

The confident voices on the other end of the line when I called instantly set me on a path of encouragement and support that never faltered. I wish I remembered the names of the two folks I spoke with, but I unfortunately do not. I was asked a few simple questions, including a check on my physical health, and was assured an attorney would contact me right away. I requested the “Lyon Gorsky” firm, based mainly on their reputation and the anecdotal references of other officers in the TMPA magazine. The gentleman on the phone explained he couldn’t guarantee which attorney would answer, but specifying Lyon Gorsky would not be a problem. I had never before considered that I could choose a firm, but I am so glad that I asked for them during that call.

Within a minute of talking to the TMPA, attorney Zach Horn contacted me. After determining that I was going to be transported by ambulance to be treated for injuries I sustained during the fight, Zach told me he and John Snider would meet me at the hospital. While en route to the hospital, current Region 7a Director Travis Hammond called to check on me. Once I was at the hospital, John, Zach, and Travis arrived fairly quickly and remained with me throughout my treatment until I was released from the ER. I also received a call from Chris CeBallos, offering me unsolicited but oh-so-welcome encouragement. Their professional demeanor, experience, and general support helped my wife and I both get through those first few hours. We went home in much better shape emotionally and mentally than we would have otherwise.

And of course, the help didn’t stop there. With John taking the lead, he and Zach both assisted me during the subsequent investigation. I had cell phone numbers, email addresses, and 24-7 access to their expertise with no hesitation on their part. Travis and Chris both kept in contact as well, continuing to encourage me and offer whatever support I thought I might need from them or TMPA. Regardless of how cliché it may sound, I truly do not have the words for the peace of mind I felt from having them all in my corner.

Some time later, John passed the torch on to Robert Rogers to get me through the Grand Jury process. For numerous reasons, what were supposed to just be a few weeks of waiting turned in to over a year. Again, the calm professionalism of Robert helped keep my sanity while we waited. He spent a very long, boring morning hanging out with me last week as we waited on the process to come to a conclusion. As we chatted, I was overwhelmed at the wealth of experience and knowledge he had, and I was reminded that I always had been, and was still, in very good hands. Even though I felt like he was wasting his time, he assured me he wasn’t, and I was so grateful that he was there as my advocate should I need one. When we finally received word of the No Bill, he shook my hand and wished me well.

Though it may seem small to others, it was a very big deal to me when my phone rang later that day with John Snider’s name on the display. He was just calling to congratulate me and wish me well. Up to that point, I figured I was just another client, another case to be worked, and I was fine with that. I believe all of these men took this for the very serious and personal matter that it was, and treated me the way I wholeheartedly would want to be treated.

It is incredibly inadequate, but I want to simply and directly say “thank you,” to the men mentioned above, and to both organizations as well. The combination of TMPA and our affiliate attorneys are as formidable a team as we could hope for, and all of us as members are fortunate to have you on our side.


Officer J.

A letter from a state trooper…

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the support you all have given me. The legal representation you provided was world class. Livingston, Rogers and Haring (before he retired) represented me civilly, administratively, and criminally. I wanted to tell you how pleased my family and I were with their representation; specifically, the acquittal criminally by Robert Rogers and the exoneration internally by Chris Livingston. Both were gentleman every step of the way. They provided expert counsel and navigated Dallas Co./ Austin in a way that they made look easy. This was a very stressful time for me. Knowing that I had expert representation, and that the DPSOA was looking out for my best interest helped me sleep at night. I also appreciate all the hard work you all do in securing our financial future and protecting our retirement. I have been and always will be a loyal PAC contributor and strong vocal ally of the DPSOA.

With sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks,


Dear Kevin Lawrence, Executive Director TMPA,

I am writing you to express my gratitude in the services that were provided to me during an incident that lead to my indictment, my termination, and a 2 year 8 month nightmare.

On Sunday June 27, 2010 as I was assisting a fellow officer clearing a parking lot of a local hip hop club a huge fight erupted. As the fight was progressing I attempted to stop the fight.

During the deployment of force an individual was injured. Local police were called to the scene to assist deputies and myself and eventually begin conducting a criminal investigation on me in reference to that individual being injured. Some days passed before I was contacted by a crimes against person detective who wanted to interview me and get a statement of what had occurred. I immediately called TMPA and asked for help. At the time of these events I had been in law enforcement for over seven years and for the first time had to ask for help because I was being listed as a suspect in a criminal investigation of aggravated assault by a public servant. TMPA advised me that Dallas area has several lawyers and that the choice who I wanted to use would be mine. I elected to choose the law office of Lyon, Gorsky & Gilbert, L.L.P. to help and advise me in this matter.

October 2010 was not a good year for me, I was indicted, arrested, and terminated from my employment which I represented to the best of my abilities.

On the 28th of February after 22 minutes of deliberations the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty. After hearing that verdict the world went silent. All I could do is hold on to my chair and stare downward because I was overcome by emotions and relief. I heard nothing but “not guilty”, but felt an arm around me to congratulate me. Mr. Haring who saw a man fall and lose so much was offering his arm and telling me that all is good.

I want you to know that your organization works sir, your organization does car sir, and your organization gave me hope after I lost my freedom, my job, and so much more. I thank you for what Mr. John Haring (Lyon, Gorsky & Gilbert) did for my family, for me, and for any other law enforcement officer who ever had to travel the road I traveled. I truly believe without the protection that the TMPA provided I would not have gotten the experienced attorney that I needed to vindicate me and represent me in my ordeal. I thank you, I thank Mr. Haring, and I thank every police officer, deputy sheriff, deputy constable, and any peace officer, that has ever used TMPA. It’s because of them, their life experiences, and them using TMPA that it is the organization it is today.

I thank you, my family thanks you!

G.F. (Former Dallas Deputy Constable)

Dear TMPA,

I am writing you this letter to let you all know that, approximately 10 months ago I was indefinitely suspended from the City of Waxahachie, Police Department. With the help of Bob Gorsky and his legal firm they represented me with the respect that I deserved and did not look at this case as any other. With that being said if I ever need an attorney for any other instance, Bob Gorsky and his law firm will be the first I contact. The representation I received was held to such a high level in which Bob & John went well above and beyond what was ever expected in this situation. They both kept me well informed of the process in this case to high levels of degree.

This is a Thank You letter for what TMPA and Bob Gorsky & John Snider have done for me. It means so much to have a chance to continue to work in the career that I have chosen for my family and for myself.


George R. Pappas

Dear Mr. Gorsky & Staff,

On January 15th, 2009 I was injured on duty well investigating a major traffic crash at the intersection of S. Westmoreland RD. and W. Kiest Blvd in Dallas. I was standing beside one of the crashed vehicle’s driver’s side rear wheel issuing a citation for FMFR to the driver. The city contractor wrecker driver that responded to take the crashed vehicle to the auto pound injured me when he negligently extended the cargo bed out and down striking both of my legs in the back of the ankles. Due to the continued extension of the cargo bed, both of my heels were pinned between the cargo bed and the pavement causing crush-type injuries to both of my feet.

In the end Mr. Gorsky, you were able to negotiate a highly satisfactory out of court settlement which not only covered all financial obligations to the city of Dallas and your own legal expenses, but also netted me a considerable monetary benefit replacing personal losses and expenses. You remained very confident, and made every effort to keep expectations realistic even though you were able to exceed those expectations at the time the settlement was reached.

I extend my gratitude for the dedication and effort exhibited by you and your staff when addressing my concerns. I will recommend you and your staff to anyone in need of legal representation who desires to be treated as a person, and not solely another case file. Again thank you.


John Holt #8198
Sr. Cpl. of Police
Dallas Police Department
Central Patrol – 4th Watch


Just wanted to let you know that I went down to IAD to review the completed investigation this morning. My finding was “Not Sustained.”

I wanted to thank you and your staff for all of your assistance during the course of this investigation. Having been a member of another association and using their lawyers in the past, working with you and your firm has been a very welcome change for the better.

Thanks again!

David Crowley

Mr. Gorsky,

I just wanted to tell you that I joined the TMPA just after we got off the phone last week. I saw you do nothing but good things while I was employed with Dallas and always hear great things for what you do for police officers. I would like to always use your services shall the need ever arise. Thank you.

Reed from North Texas

December 10, 2008

Dear Mr. Lawrence:

On or about November 16, 2007, I contacted TMPA to inquire if TMPA represented personal injury claims while on duty. TMPA responded, stating yes to my inquiry. Another officer at Rockwall County Sheriff’s office recommended I contact Robert Lyon and Associates. In doing so, Bob Lyon and Associates agreed to represent me in the personal injury claim.

I want to personally thank Mr. Bob Lyon and Mr. Bob Gorsky and all of the staff at their firm for the handling of my claim and for the promptness and professionalism they showed to me and my wife, Karen. They settled my injury claim to a most satisfactory conclusion.

JC Petty, Badge #621

Rockwall County Sheriff’s Office

October 23, 2008

I cannot thank Attorney Bob Gorsky enough for his help during a recent incident I was involved in at work. It was extremely reassuring to know I had someone so highly regarded watching my back. While it certainly wasn’t a huge issue relative to others I have seen in my career, there were moments when I was quite concerned about the situation. Mr. Gorsky’s rapid and professional responses to my inquiries during this process were reassuring very much appreciated. Thanks again to Mr. Gorsky and thank you, TMPA, for the being there when we need you.

Trey Ramsey

I would like to thank TMPA and Bob Gorsky for all the hard work and support during my appeal process. I could not have won my arbitration without all that y’all do. My case was minor in comparison to a large portion of cases that y’all deal with, yet it was treated like it was the most important. I am very thankful and I feel that with your hard work, justice was done.

Thank You all,

Jason Stevens
Arlington PD/TMPA member

I just wanted to take an opportunity to say thankyou for all your help throughout this long process. You did a wonderful job at Aaron’s appeal, and I wanted to make sure that I thanked you for it. I don’t think the final outcome will be positive, but at least we went and stood up for what we believe to be right. It’s just unfortunate that DPS uses intimidation techniques to encourage the person to give up on his/her appeal. It is sad to think that Aaron will receive a dishonorable discharge because he decided to fight. But, we decided a long time ago that we would fight until the end. Aaron has been successful in every aspect of his life since DPS terminated him, and I know that he will continue to do well. DPS did not destroy him like they set out to do. At least two of the Commissioners were interested in actually reviewing the information presented. I think that Ms. Barth was very unimpressed with DPS’ process for appeal. Maybe the department will end up being a better place to work for those who remain employed there. Change is long overdue within that department. Maybe all the information we presented will at least help trigger some change in the future. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work. Aaron and I couldn’t be more pleased with the job you did on our behalf.

Take care!

Kristi Ragland